SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

HKUST undertakes conscious effort to create a more inclusive and equitable society. Our research initiatives seek to identify strategies to address inequalities and related challenges. Our programs and events promote awareness and empathy, building a community and a broader society that values and embraces diversity. 




22 related courses were offered in the 2021-22 academic year.    




From 2018 to 2022, HKUST published 103 research papers related to understanding and addressing inequality.




HKUST is dedicated to promoting equal opportunities and eradicating discrimination through our Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination Policy. Aligned with our 2021-28 Strategic Plan, we strive to create an inclusive and open environment where all members of our community are treated fairly and provided with equal opportunities. Procedures for Handling Discrimination and Harassment Complaints has been implemented, replacing the Policy on Sexual Harassment, offering a more comprehensive, transparent, and accountable approach for handling discrimination and harassment matters at the University. Reporting to the University Administrative Committee, the Diversity and Equal Opportunities Committee (DEOC) has been established to oversee equal opportunity, diversity, and inclusion matters, and to spearhead flagship engagement programs such as Global Diversity Awareness Month


Community Education & Awareness 


Our community programs raise awareness about marginalized communities, fostering understanding and empathy, and empowering individuals to contribute to reducing inequalities.  

In collaboration with the Crossroads Foundation, HKUST students participated in the Struggle for Survival Poverty Simulation & Service Program, allowing them to experience the challenges faced by the visually impaired and those affected by HIV/AIDs. Following the simulation, participants took proactive steps to assist those in need through logistical support, sorting various donation materials, and helping with repair and maintenance work. 

October 2022: Struggle for Survival Poverty Simulation & Service to understand the lives of the visually impaired and those impacted by HIV/AIDS.

HKUST fosters empathy and understanding beyond the boundaries of our campus.  Together with the Hong Kong Yacht & Start-Up Association, the University organised the Sailing & Sharing Experiential Learning Activity that shed light on the journeys and challenges faced by rehabilitated ex-offenders.  The University also promotes a more inclusive and equitable community by organising workshops and talks such as the inclusive session with hearing-impaired individuals and dialogue on gender diversity.  

September 2022: Sailing & Sharing Experiential Learning to understand the lives of ex-offenders.